A Controversial Masterpiece In an era of hyper-polarized discourse, a title like Dark Passages, is incendiary. It dares to confront the unspeakable truths of war, religion, and morality in a way that is unflinching, unapologetic. This is not just about theology. It is a work that forces a dialogue between the ancient and the modern, the divine and the broken. It challenges theologians, critics, filmmakers, and viewers alike to pause, reflect, and ultimately question the very foundations of huma
A Controversial Masterpiece In an era of hyper-polarized discourse, a title like Dark Passages, is incendiary. It dares to confront the unspeakable truths of war, religion, and morality in a way that is unflinching, unapologetic. This is not just about theology. It is a work that forces a dialogue between the ancient and the modern, the divine and the broken. It challenges theologians, critics, filmmakers, and viewers alike to pause, reflect, and ultimately question the very foundations of huma